I LOVE RISHIKESH!!! So many things to shop, cheap n good food, cheap internet, cheap hotel, lots of cheap massage n yoga classes to attend. Everything is cheap here. Just went to the book shop, spent about 5300RS(abt SGD$203) , bought abt 15 books. Also bought a huge bag of clothes (approx 11kg) I'm super happy now (guess I'll worry the total amount of $$$$ I've spent in india when i go home). I think I'll come again. Everything is so cheap here. Its almost like hongkong just shop n eat, shope n eat. Btw pals, many things are for you all. So be patient to wait for me to come back. Small piece of good news, I'll most probably come back on 1st june( think its a sunday if I'm not wrong). So if you guys wants to pick me up at the airport, be prepared to come to my place to open the presents. Alright nothing to much write this time. Tomolo I'll be on my way back to the ashram n will have less time to log on. So take pals.

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