Sunday, September 14, 2008

Finally in Rishikesh

I'm finally here. After all the travelling and sweating, I'm finally here. Everything is fine here. Been eating alot of nice food. Made new friends and they brought me to very nice restaurant. The room that I'm staying not super fantastic but basic. Gonna stay there for the next 3 months so I'm trying to make my room nice and cosy.

It is still very hot here I dunno why but everysays its gonna be completely different in the next 2 weeks and I maybe freezing cold. Not too afraid of that since I've been to much colder country before. A little scared of the course afterall I've not taken any full time course that last more then 1month but the yogi says to me that its gonna be ok just enjoy. And 1good news is, he says I'll gain weight after the course. Hopefully i still can fit into my clothes :)

Many of you may have heard the news that there are bombing in delhi. I'm in delhi but pretty far away from the bombing place (abt 5hours train journey) so pals not to worry about me. I haven't get any new india line so hopefully the next time I come to the internet i'll be able to have a new num.

I'll stop here. Take care pals!

with metta

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