Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Dear pals, just wanna to let you all know that pls appreciate all the out door pics I took n upload on facebook or in this blog. It 44 degrees outside n everytime I take a picture, I risk to get heat stroke which will get me end up like this,

Well I'm kidding pals. It is very very very..... hot here. I was told it 44 degrees outside. So wondering how I get to blog so offen these days? Cos we are hidding at the internet cafe from 12noon - 5pm. Mc Donalds became our international good fren. We are looking for Mc Donalds every time we arrived at a new destination. HBO is a must in our hotel choice cos many times we'll hid in the room watching HBO. I knopw some of you will think I'm lame, but I'm a princess in Singapore(bishan) so I can't stand the heat. I tried my best n every time I'll end up getting heat stroke n become sick. Even my fren is afraid of me standing in the sun.

Delhi is fun, we manage to find a good travel agency booked a couple of A.C ( air conditioning)tour. So you'll be able to see me finally looked like a tourist with myself standing n posing the photos. I'm so happy. There is Mc Donalds, pizza hut n a restarant which sells good fried rice (I've been eating it everyday since I reach Delhi). Gonna eat it again 1 last time before I leave for Rishikesh.

The only thing that I have to crack my brain is my luaggage. I brought too much with me, didn't expect to buy that much clothings. Anyway I've decided to donate some clothings aways and will freight some back. So Pals not to worried I'll try my best to make sure everyone has a present from india.

Going to Rishikesh tonite by coach. Really looking forward to it. Been wanted to get some cool yoga outfit n I heard I could get it cheap there. Also wanted to find some palm or angel reader, guess it'll be fun. Mite try rafting hopefully the water is not too cold. Will buy lots of yoga books clothes....etc Last but not least I'll try to be thrifty I didn't left much $$ with me.

Recently I came across this place in India call Manali. It looks nice, so Pals any of you wanna join me for my next trip to manali let me know earlier.

Manali I'm coming to visit you soon....

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